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  1. FEATURE: Does drone technology hold promise for the UN?

    6 九月 2017 Drone technology appears to be taking off at the United Nations, with unmanned ae

  2. At UN, Slovak President warns against leaders caring more about retaining power than improving lives

    20 九月 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly’s general debate today, Andrej Kiska, th

  3. مفوضية اللاجئين ترحب بمساهمة إضافية من ألمانيا لدعم النازحين العراقيين

    27 十二月 2017... لعام 2017 وأربعة ملايين يورو لعام 2018 لتقديم المساعدة للنازحين العراقيين، ...

  4. Договор о беженцах

    13 十一月 2018 Верховному комиссару ООН по делам беженцев было предложено подготовить новый глобальный договор о беженцах в консультации с соответствующими государствами и заинтересованными сторонами, взяв за основу комплекс мер в отношении беженцев, излож...

  5. UN poised to scale up support for Libya’s post-conflict transition, Security Council told

    17 一月 2018 The United Nations is implementing its Action Plan for Libya to create the

  6. FEATURE: WFP in Emergency Operation to Assist Around 80,000 South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda

    1 九月 2016 Halima, aged 22, is from the village of Yei in South Sudan.

  7. UN agency launches appeal to fund aid efforts in crisis-struck South Sudan

    30 一月 2018 Amid worsening humanitarian situation in South Sudan an

  8. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 十一月 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  9. Latest round of UN-led global consultations spotlights migrants’ contributions to development

    24 七月 2017 Although the net benefits of migration far outweigh its costs, the p

  10. Migration should be act of hope, not despair; UN chief proposes ways to maximize migrants' contributions

    11 一月 2018 Laying out his vision for concrete steps the world can take in 201
