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  1. INTERVIEW: Robert Serry on the ‘Endless Quest’ for Middle East peace and reflections from No Man’s Land

    10 一月 2017 The United Nation’s former point person for Middle East negotiations has said t

  2. Warning against rising intolerance, UN remembers Holocaust and condemns anti-Semitism

    27 一月 2017 Decrying the anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust, the international community today

  3. UN agencies, Vatican issue call to stamp out illegal fishing and ‘modern-day slavery’ on high seas

    21 十一月 2016 Condemning illegal fishing and labour exploitation in the world’s oceans, the Unit

  4. Security Council recommends former Prime Minister of Portugal Guterres as next UN Secretary-General

    6 十月 2016 The Security Council today formally chose the former Prime Minister of Portugal, Antóni

  5. To escape gangs and poverty, Central American children making risky journey to US – UNICEF

    23 八月 2016 The flow of refugee and migrant children seeking refuge from brutal gangs and stif

  6. Нью-Йоркская декларация

    3 十月 2016 В Нью-Йоркской декларации о беженцах и мигрантах выражается политическая воля мировых лидеров, направленная на спасение жизней, защиту прав человека и справедливое распределение ответственности на глобальном уровне. Мировые лидеры озвучили, ...

  7. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 二月 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  8. Myanmar can draw on UN expertise in tackling Rohingya returns, Security Council told

    12 十二月 2017 The United Nations can help Myanmar to defuse inter-communal ten

  9. 'We cannot and will not leave anyone behind,' says UN chief on World Humanitarian Day

    19 八月 2016 With a record 130 million people worldwide now dependent on huma

  10. Lors d'un Sommet à New York, l'ONU s'engage à protéger les droits des réfugiés et migrants

    19 九月 2016 Réunis en sommet lundi au siège de l'ONU à New York, des dizaines de dirigeants
