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  1. At UN, Namibian President vows to ‘spare no effort’ to lift nation’s people out of poverty

    21 九月 2016 Speaking from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly, Hage Geingob, the Pres

  2. INTERVIEW: Selection of next UN Secretary-General has been game-changing process, says outgoing General Assembly President

    8 九月 2016 On 15 June 2015, the United Nations General Assembly elected Mogens Lykketoft – a Danish

  3. Myanmar: Displaced Rohingya at risk of ‘re-victimization’ warns UN refugee agency

    4 五月 2017 The tens of thousands of members of Myanmar’s Rohingya commun

  4. Face à l'afflux massif de réfugiés fuyant le Soudan du Sud, le HCR appelle à soutenir les pays de la région

    17 三月 2017 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR)

  5. General Assembly elects Permanent Representative of Fiji as President of 71st session

    13 六月 2016 In a rare secret ballot vote, the United Nations General Assembly today elected Peter Thomso

  6. UNICEF launches $3.3 billion appeal to assist millions of children affected by conflict, disasters

    31 一月 2017 Against the backdrop of ever increasing number of children driven from their ho

  7. More than 28 million children 'uprooted' by conflict and face further dangers – UNICEF report

    6 九月 2016 Millions of children driven from their homes due to violence and conflict or in the h

  8. Colombian leader cites his accord with rebels as paradigm for ending civil wars worldwide

    21 九月 2016 A year after pledging to return to the United Nations General Assembly to ...

  9. Pregnant women, children among the victims in latest Mediterranean tragedy – UNICEF

    4 十一月 2016 A number of children and pregnant women were among the 240 peopl

  10. ‘All refugees want to go home someday’ – UNHCR spokesperson and author Melissa Fleming

    26 五月 2017 “I envy the mountains and the trees and the rocks because they will be abl
