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  1. Millions of children in crisis zones face 'bleak future,' UNICEF warns, launching emergency appeal

    30 一月 2018 Children are the most vulnerable when conflict or d

  2. 'No limit' to cruelty of traffickers, says UN agency, as video surfaces of abused migrants in Libya

    16 六月 2017 Two United Nations agencies have voiced 'deep concern' for the safety of hundreds of mig

  3. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 二月 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  4. UN agency alarmed by largest influx of Congolese refugees into Zambia in five years

    3 十月 2017 Growing violence in south-eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of the Con

  5. In Helsinki, UN appeals for nearly $5B to help Syrians and host communities

    24 一月 2017 The United Nations and partners today appealed at an aid conference in Fi

  6. At UN, European leaders stress importance of international cooperation to tackle global challenges

    22 九月 2016 Emphasizing in an address to the United Nations today the magnitude of the challenges con

  7. FEATURE: Does drone technology hold promise for the UN?

    6 九月 2017 Drone technology appears to be taking off at the United Nations, with unmanned ae

  8. UN, partners building roads to reach Rohingya refugees camped in muddy, flood-prone terrain

    10 十一月 2017 The United Nations migration agency and its partners are rushi

  9. Definitions

    12 四月 2016 Refugee Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require internati...

  10. UN children's agency 'alarmed' at refugee and migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

    30 五月 2016 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has expressed alarm at the num
