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  1. Global blueprints on refugees, safe migration should include protections for children – UNICEF

    30 十一月 2017 The rights, protection and wellbeing of uprooted children shou

  2. Les accords sur les migrations et les réfugiés devraient inclure des engagements pour protéger les enfants - UNICEF

    30 十一月 2017 Les droits, la protection et le bien-être des enfants déraciné

  3. UN and partners launch $4.4 billion regional appeal for more than five million Syrian refugees

    12 十二月 2017 A more than $4 billion appeal has been launched to support what one senior United Nati ...

  4. UNICEF requiere 3.600 millones de dólares para 48 millones de niños atrapados en crisis humanitarias

    30 一月 2018 Uno de cada 4 niños vive en un país afectado por conflictos o desastres, afirma UNICEF, ...

  5. 21 May Multi-stakeholder hearing

    2 五月 2018 The final multistakeholder hearing will focus on practical experiences from the field. Participants wishing to make an intervention during the event can inscribe by sending an email to Background documents

  6. Lactancia materna, Corea del Norte... Las noticias del jueves

    10 五月 2018... ricos nunca ha recibido leche materna, una tasa que baja al 4% en las naciones de ingresos medios y bajos, según un nuevo análisis de ...

  7. لأول مرة منذ 2014، انخفاض أعداد النازحين العراقيين إلى أقل من مليونين

    4 九月 2018... أربع سنوات، مشيرة إلى عودة نحو 4 ملايين نازح إلى منازلهم. ...

  8. Fresh violence in Central African Republic leads to more displaced – UN agency

    15 九月 2017 Expressing concern over continued violence in the Central African Republic and the resulting “massive

  9. PODCAST: Tea and empathy – Refugee ZamZam Yusuf’s extraordinary journey

    15 一月 2018 Somali refugee ZamZam Yusuf has a message for any neighbours who think she doesn’t ha

  10. Amid hate speech, negative media spin ‘real stories’ of refugees and migrants must be told – UN official

    26 一月 2017 With hate speech and rhetoric against migrants and refugees on the rise i
