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  1. L'Assemblée générale proclame le 12 décembre Journée de la couverture sanitaire universelle

    12 декабрь 2017 Au cours du débat sur la santé mondiale et la politique étrangère mardi, l'Assembl

  2. Recent tragedies at sea highlight urgency for safe pathways to Europe – UN refugee agency

    30 май 2017... the backdrop of more than 1,700 people having perished this year wh ...

  3. Anaemic economic growth in some regions hampers progress on Global Goals, UN report finds

    16 май 2017 Over the last six months, global economic progress has predictably picked up, but l

  4. In Lebanon and Syria, UN emergency food chief appeals for humanitarian access

    3 май 2017 The head of the United Nations emergency food relief agency today appealed for “regular

  5. Journée des réfugiés : l'ONU lance un appel à la solidarité collective

    20 июнь 2016 A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, célébrée chaque année 20

  6. 'Unprecedented suffering' for Syrian children in 2016 – UNICEF

    13 март 2017 The suffering of children in war-torn Syria “hit rock bottom” in 2016 with the hi

  7. South Sudan: 100,000 people trapped in Yei, UN refugee agency warns

    30 сентябрь 2016 Urgent humanitarian assistance is needed for some 100,000 people trapped in

  8. Warning against rising intolerance, UN remembers Holocaust and condemns anti-Semitism

    27 январь 2017 Decrying the anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust, the international community today

  9. INTERVIEW: Stop dividing humanity into “us and them” – UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson

    29 декабрь 2016 Jan Eliasson took up the job of Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in July 201

  10. In Japan, Ban calls on G7 to back global goals, climate action, UN humanitarian response efforts

    27 май 2016 Addressing world leaders at an event on the side lines of the G-7 meeting currently
