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Результаты поиска

  1. INTERVIEW: Ahead of Baku Forum, UN official spotlights ‘soft power’ approaches to counter violent extremism

    22 апрель 2016 As the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) prepares for an upcoming global conference in Ba

  2. Conflict-affected rural families in Iraq to benefit from mobile cash-transfer technology – UN

    2 август 2017 Many vulnerable rural families in Iraq will now be able to safely rece

  3. Long-term resettlement solutions needed for refugees on Manus Island – UNICEF Australia

    18 август 2016 Amid news of an agreement to close the Australian immigration dete

  4. DR Congo: UN agency appeals for support as ‘steady stream’ of refugees crosses into Angola

    12 май 2017 With violence and insecurity continuing to force people to flee Dem

  5. More than 28 million children 'uprooted' by conflict and face further dangers – UNICEF report

    6 сентябрь 2016 Millions of children driven from their homes due to violence and conflict or in the h

  6. Nearly $1.1 billion pledged for beleaguered Yemen at UN-led humanitarian conference

    25 апрель 2017 With nearly two-thirds of war-torn Yemen – about 19 million people – in need of emergency

  7. Ethiopia begins civil registration for refugees – UN agencies

    27 октябрь 2017 In an historic first, starting Friday, all refugees in Ethiopia

  8. Two-state solution to Israel-Palestine conflict at risk of giving way to ‘one-state reality,’ warns Ban

    15 сентябрь 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for intensified efforts t

  9. UN human rights panel concludes ISIL is committing genocide against Yazidis

    16 июнь 2016 The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) [also known as ISIL and Da'esh] is commit

  10. UN agency urges Governments to recognize people fleeing war-plagued countries as refugees

    2 декабрь 2016 Faced with record displacement due to conflict, the United Nat
