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  1. Le nombre d'enfants non accompagnés ou séparés arrivant par mer en Italie a plus que doublé en 2016, selon l'UNICEF

    13 январь 2017 Quelque 25.800 enfants non accompagnés ou séparés sont arrivés en Italie en mer en 20

  2. Famine looms for millions; UN Member States urged to 'dig deep into reserves of common humanity'

    13 апрель 2017 Senior United Nations officials today refocused the spotlight on Secretary-General An

  3. UN reports reveal 'mixed' progress on efforts to end child refugee detention

    18 август 2016 While two new reports released today as part of a new global strategy by the Uni ...

  4. 'Dangerous funding gap' may lead to more cuts in food rations for refugees in Kenya – UN

    7 декабрь 2016 Forced to make a new round of cuts in food rations for refugees in Kenya, the World Foo ...

  5. People fleeing war more likely to find shelter in poorer countries, says UN refugee agency

    28 февраль 2017 Most of the 3.2 million people driven forcibly from their home


    12 декабрь 2017... Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN, New York Open discussion: ...


    12 декабрь 2017 15:00 - 18:00  Co-Moderators:

  8. Central African Republic: UN agency registers thousands of refugees arriving in Chad

    5 январь 2018 In the wake of a recent flare-up of violence in the Central Afr

  9. Peace, human security at forefront of UN intercultural dialogue forum

    4 май 2017 The integration of migrants in cities, countering the rise of violent extremism, ...

  10. On day against homophobia, UN officials urge respect for sexual and gender diversity

    17 май 2017 Marking the international day against homophobia, senior United Nations officials t
