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Результаты поиска

  1. Culture of prevention vital to peace and security, Portugal’s President tells UN Assembly

    21 сентябрь 2016... In a wide-ranging address to the UN General Assembly, the President of Portugal said ...

  2. Ban appoints Chilean national as Deputy Special Representative for Central African Republic

    22 июль 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment

  3. Some 1,400 stuck at Hungarian-Serbian border amid dire conditions, UN refugee agency warns

    15 июль 2016... Nations refugee agency today expressed deep concern about a new ...

  4. Situation on Australian ‘offshore processing’ facility deteriorates by the day – UN refugee official

    21 ноябрь 2017 Three weeks following the closure of the Manus Island regional process

  5. Iraq: UN refugee camp opens twelfth camp as displacement escalates in West Mosul

    12 май 2017 Less than four weeks after opening its last camp, the United Nations refugee agency welcome

  6. Senior UN officials seek accountability for human trafficking crimes in forced migration

    24 сентябрь 2016 Senior United Nations officials today called for those responsible

  7. Le HCR, l'OIM et leurs partenaires lancent une nouvelle stratégie pour l'aide aux réfugiés et aux migrants en Europe

    19 январь 2017 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), l'Organisation internationale pour

  8. Diseases and sexual violence threaten Somalis, South Sudanese escaping famine – UN

    18 апрель 2017 Millions of people are facing the peril of famine in Somalia and South Sudan, and the

  9. At UN, Central European leaders spotlight development, countering terrorism and securing peace

    19 сентябрь 2017 Sustainable development, ensuring peace and security and protecting human rights are the

  10. Greece: UN agency urges full hearings for stranded refugee and migrant children

    8 апрель 2016... With the process of returning refugees and migrants from the Greek islands to Turkey underway as part of a European ...
