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Результаты поиска

  1. L'Organisation internationale pour les migrations rejoint officiellement le système de l'ONU

    19 сентябрь 2016... Au Sommet pour les réfugiés et les migrants organisé lundi à New York, le Secré ...

  2. UN agency, Ugandan government call for urgent support amid influx of South Sudanese refugees

    23 март 2017 United Nations refugee assistance efforts in Uganda are seriously

  3. Afghanistan: UN-backed $550 million aid plan aims to reach 5.7 million people

    23 январь 2017 A newly-launched United Nations-backed humanitarian response plan for Afghanist

  4. Australia's offshore refugee processing causes 'extensive suffering' and must end, says UN agency chief

    24 июль 2017 Four years on, Australia's offshore processing has left som

  5. Put peace first, UN chief says, kicking off 100-day countdown to International Day of Peace

    14 июнь 2017 True peace requires building bridges, combating discriminatio

  6. As donor support dwindles, one million displaced Somali refugees are growing hopeless UN agency warns

    10 январь 2017 More than one million Somali refugees who have been displaced from th

  7. At Security Council, UN chief urges cooperation to tackle security challenges in Mediterranean

    17 ноябрь 2017 The Mediterranean – a confluence of civilizations, cultures, religion ...

  8. US travel ban a 'significant setback' for those needing international protection – UN rights experts

    1 февраль 2017... Expressing concern that a new Executive Order by the United States Presid ...

  9. Small island nations in Pacific urge global action to fight climate change

    23 сентябрь 2017 Leaders from Pacific island nations addressing the United Nations General Assembl

  10. Refugee and migrant flows from Libya to Europe on the rise – UNHCR study

    3 июль 2017 Movements by sea from Libya to Europe, despite being the most dangerous route for reaching the co
