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Результаты поиска

  1. Calais : la France doit fournir de l'eau potable et des services d'assainissement aux migrants (experts de l'ONU)

    16 октябрь 2017 Trois experts des droits de l'homme de l'ONU exhortent la France à me

  2. Ahead of International Day, UN rights chief urges governments to target hate speech, crimes

    20 март 2017 On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the U

  3. Libye : le HCR dénonce les souffrances et les abus dont sont victimes les réfugiés et les migrants à Sabratha

    17 октябрь 2017 Les réfugiés et migrants retenus en captivité par les passeurs dans la ville libyenne de Sa ...

  4. Warning against rising intolerance, UN remembers Holocaust and condemns anti-Semitism

    27 январь 2017 Decrying the anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust, the international community today

  5. L'ONU appelle les villes à définir des politiques favorables aux 'réfugiés urbains'

    18 май 2016 Lors d'un évènement sur les migrants, les réfugiés et les ...

  6. UN agency welcomes announcement of refugee team to compete at Olympics

    3 июнь 2016 The United Nations refugee agency has warmly welcomed today’s anno

  7. UN refugee agency urges EU States to suspend transfers of asylum-seekers to Hungary

    10 апрель 2017 The United Nations refugee agency today called on European Union (EU) members to temp

  8. Greece, at UN, spotlights ‘soft power’ to forge regional, international cooperation

    23 сентябрь 2017 Situated close to what continues to be an extremely turbulent region such as the Middle E

  9. UN agency applauds US leadership on refugees as 10,000th Syrian refugee arrives

    1 сентябрь 2016 The United Nations refugee agency has welcomed the news of the arrival o

  10. Sustainable livelihoods bring not only food security but dignity, for refugees – UN chief

    19 сентябрь 2016 Underscoring that millions of refugees around the world face food insecurity
