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  1. Déclarations et vidéos

    4 октябрь 2016... l’Assemblée générale adopte la Déclaration de New York pour les réfugiés et les migrants ...

  2. Fresh violence in Central African Republic leads to more displaced – UN agency

    15 сентябрь 2017 Expressing concern over continued violence in the Central African Republic and the resulting “massive

  3. Africa's largest refugee crisis now a 'children's crisis' – UNICEF

    20 июнь 2017 Raising alarm over the plight of refugees, in particul

  4. Hungarian law that could detain all asylum-seekers violates country’s legal obligations – UN agency

    7 март 2017... The United Nations refugee agency voiced deep concerned at a new law voted today by t ...

  5. UN chief appoints Izumi Nakamitsu of Japan as special adviser for refugee summit follow-up

    1 ноябрь 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Izumi Nakamits

  6. 'Failure to broker peace' hinders solutions to displacement, UN refugee chief tells Security Council

    2 ноябрь 2017 The head of the United Nations refugee agency on Thursday urged

  7. On slavery remembrance day, UN chief shines a light on African diaspora's legacy

    25 март 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today highlighted the African diaspora's contributions to society, including culture, medicine, science and spirituality, as the global community gathe

  8. Humanitarian needs have never been greater in Syria, UN chief tells Brussels conference

    5 апрель 2017 Speaking at a major international conference on Syria, United Nations Secretary-General A

  9. Peace in Syria must be built on dignity, human rights for all Syrians, UNHCR envoy Angelina Jolie

    29 январь 2018 With nearly 5.5 million war-weary Syrian refugees shelterin

  10. World closer to ending modern slavery as UN-backed protocol on forced labour comes into force

    10 ноябрь 2016 An international protocol on forced labour has entered into force, a maj
