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Результаты поиска

  1. ‘Aleppo will not be there’ in two months if diplomatic stalemate continues, warns UN envoy

    17 октябрь 2016 Between now and December, “if we cannot find a solution, Aleppo will not be there any

  2. Réfugiés et migrants : le chef des droits de l'homme de l'ONU s'inquiète du projet d'accord entre l'UE et la Turquie

    10 март 2016 Le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'Homme, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, s'est dit inquiet jeudi du projet d'accord entre l'Union européenne (UE) et la Turquie sur la question des réfu

  3. General Assembly decision makes International Organization for Migration part of UN system

    25 июль 2016 The United Nations General Assembly today unanimously adopted a resolution appro

  4. World leaders spotlight 2030 Agenda, climate action at UN General Assembly’s annual debate

    26 сентябрь 2016 Speaking on behalf of Peter Thomson, the President of the United Nations General Assemb

  5. Méditerranée : nouveaux naufrages d'embarcations transportant des migrants au large de la Libye

    9 май 2017 Au moins 245 personnes ayant embarqué le week-end dernier en Afriq

  6. Aid convoys ‘ready’ to enter Aleppo; UN envoys await Russia-US talks on truce

    25 август 2016 Reporting that the Russian Federation is backing a 48-hour humanitarian pause in and aro

  7. Number of South Sudan refugees passes one million – UN

    16 сентябрь 2016 As instability and violence persist in the world’s newest country, the numb

  8. ‘If you want to protect your image, protect children,’ Ban tells debate on war-affected children

    2 август 2016 With children continuing to be tortured, maimed, imprisoned, starved, se

  9. In Lesbos, Ban says migrants' nightmare 'not over,' urging Europe to take humane approach

    18 июнь 2016... Visiting the Greek island of Lesbos, which has become migrants' entry poin ...

  10. L'Algérie estime que la crise des réfugiés et des migrants constitue un test pour la communauté internationale

    23 сентябрь 2016 Le Ministre des affaires étrangères de l'Algérie, Ramtane Lamamra, a attiré jeudi l'att
