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  1. International community must unify efforts to assist Libya in overcoming 'serious' governance challenges

    28 август 2017 Libya's future prosperity and stability depends on the international community

  2. Libye : à Sabratha, migrants et réfugiés sont confrontés aux violences des combats et de la détention arbitraire (HCR)

    13 октябрь 2017 Les équipes de l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s

  3. Violence and persecution uprooted record 65.6 million people in 2016, UN agency reports

    19 июнь 2017 Nearly 66 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes

  4. INTERVIEW: Global humanitarian needs have never been higher, says UN official

    2 октябрь 2017 The number of those needing humanitarian assistance is at its h

  5. Yemen: Ongoing humanitarian crisis adding to migrants woes, says UN migration agency

    18 январь 2017... Highlighting the plight of migrants from the Horn of Africa arriving in Yemen – which it ...

  6. UN migration agency, Libyan authorities boost support for rescued migrants

    29 август 2017... is working with Libyan authorities to help rescue more migrants ...

  7. L'OIM et la Libye accroissent leur assistance aux migrants secourus au large des côtes libyennes

    29 август 2017 L'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) œuvre avec les autorités libyennes pour dava

  8. Senior UN official urges Libya to protect migrants from conflict-related sexual violence

    7 февраль 2017 The highest United Nations official tasked with advocating against the use of sexual v

  9. Le HCR choqué par le décès de 44 migrants et réfugiés dans le désert du Sahara

    2 июнь 2017 L'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s'est déclarée vendredi co

  10. Mediterranean crossing still world’s deadliest for migrants – UN report

    24 ноябрь 2017 Crossing the Mediterranean to Europe is “by far the world’s deadli ...
