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Результаты поиска

  1. ‘Hang on to every little glimmer of hope,’ says UN envoy for South Sudan

    28 ноябрь 2016 All people in South Sudan, regardless of their ethnic affiliation, must unite

  2. L'UNICEF alarmé par le nombre de réfugiés et migrants morts en Méditerranée la semaine dernière

    30 май 2016 Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance (UNICEF) a tiré la sonnette d'al

  3. Libye : des migrants africains auraient été vendus sur des 'marchés d'esclaves', selon l'OIM

    11 апрель 2017 Des centaines de migrants le long des routes de migration en Afrique du Nord ...

  4. Media coverage frames public thinking on migrants and migration – UN report

    1 декабрь 2017 Changes in traditional media and growing use of social media a

  5. UN rights chief concerned over 'collective expulsion' of migrants after EU-Turkey deal

    24 март 2016... (EU) and Turkey to stem the large-scale flow of refugees and migrants ...

  6. UN agency revises funding requirements to tackle Africa's worst displacement crisis

    20 январь 2017... With conflict in South Sudan now entering its fourth year and its people facin ...

  7. UN anti-crime chief urges better use of Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

    17 октябрь 2016 Citing indisputable negative impacts of transnational organized crime o

  8. At Assembly debate, President of Sierra Leone cites urgent need for UN Security Council reform

    22 сентябрь 2016 Calling for urgent reform at the United Nations and in particular at the Securi

  9. Latest Mediterranean tragedy pushes number of people perishing in 2016 beyond 5,000 – UN

    23 декабрь 2016... Highlighting that the number of casualties in the Mediterranean Se ...

  10. Migrants en Méditerranée : l'UE ne peut pas continuer à gérer cette situation en mode « crise » (OIM)

    4 июль 2017 Alors que les ministres européens de la justice et de l'intérieur doivent se réunir i
