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Результаты поиска

  1. For Yemenis and migrants, protracted conflict an 'endless nightmare' – head of UN agency

    2 октябрь 2017 Amid worsening famine and cholera in war-torn Yemen, the head of the U

  2. 'Act now' to help and protect trafficking victims, UN urges on World Day against the scourge

    30 июль 2017 Criminal groups feed off the instability created by conflicts, and as links betwe

  3. Libye : l'ONU appelle la communauté internationale à ne pas oublier l'impact humanitaire de la crise

    5 февраль 2018 Après le lancement le 25 janvier de l'appel de fonds humanitaire 2018 pour la Lib

  4. Réfugiés et migrants prennent des risques énormes pour rejoindre l'Europe, selon le HCR

    28 февраль 2017 Les restrictions accrues aux frontières et l'absence de voies légale

  5. Yemen: As food crisis worsens, UN agencies call for urgent assistance to avert catastrophe

    10 февраль 2017 The number of food insecure people in Yemen has risen by three mil

  6. Yémen : davantage de survivants et de corps de migrants retrouvés après deux tragédies maritimes

    15 август 2017 Au cours des trois derniers jours, des employés de l'Organisation internationale p

  7. Secretary-General António Guterres cites multilateralism, teamwork as critical to achieving UN goals

    3 январь 2017 On his first day in office, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for

  8. ‘Give peace a chance,’ urges UN official, reporting sense of optimism as Aleppo ceasefire holds

    4 январь 2017 A senior United Nations humanitarian official reported today that though damage to

  9. Representante Especial del Secretario General para la Migración Internacional

    4 декабрь 2017 El 9 de marzo de 2017 el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, António Guterres, nombró a la canadiense Louise Arbour como su Representante Especial sobre la Migración. La Representante Especial dirigirá el seguimiento de los aspect...

  10. 'No limit' to cruelty of traffickers, says UN agency, as video surfaces of abused migrants in Libya

    16 июнь 2017 Two United Nations agencies have voiced 'deep concern' for the safety of hundreds of mig
