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Результаты поиска

  1. بان كي مون: تقدم الفتيات يعادل إحراز تقدم في الأهداف الإنمائية

    11 октябрь 2016... المتحدة إن تحقيق الرفاه لنحو 1.1 مليار فتاة في العالم وإعمال حقوق الإنسان ...

  2. UN agencies provide shelter, clean water to families displaced amid Iraq’s Mosul offensive

    21 октябрь 2016 With the military offensive still unfolding in Mosul, the Office of t

  3. UN rights experts call on US to abolish mandatory detention of migrants

    24 октябрь 2016 Members of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention completed a two-wee

  4. New Lebanese government brings ‘mood of optimism’ needed to address ongoing challenges – UN envoy

    10 ноябрь 2016 Despite continuing challenges, a mood of optimism has taken hold in Lebanon follow

  5. Lebanon: Secretary-General welcomes new Government led by Saad Hariri

    19 декабрь 2016 Welcoming the announcement of new Cabinet members in Lebanon, United Nations Secretary-Ge

  6. نقص تمويل البرامج الصحية في السودان يؤدي إلى إغلاق المرافق الصحية

    3 январь 2017... الصحية في السودان إلى إغلاق 11 مرفقا صحيا وتعريض 49 مرفقا آخر لخطر ...

  7. L'agence ONU-Femmes souhaite de réels progrès dans l'autonomisation économique des femmes

    30 январь 2017 Dans un contexte où le monde du travail est en évolution en raison notamment des changement

  8. In Chad and Cameroon, Security Council hears of Boko Haram terror and survivors' needs

    4 март 2017 The United Nations Security Council is today in Chad, as part of a four-country visit “to shine a s

  9. Intergovernmental negotiations

    16 май 2017 Intergovernmentally negotiated and agreed outcome of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (13 July 2018)

  10. Contributions of migrants

    30 июнь 2017 Background documents Invitation from the co-facilitators to the session and the informal stakeholder dialogue Procedural note (including agenda) Organizational arrangements
