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Результаты поиска

  1. UN reports more than 300 migrant deaths on Mediterranean crossing in first two months of 2017

    24 февраль 2017 An estimated 366 migrants died at sea during their Mediterranean journey to Europe in

  2. Antalya: South-South cooperation can spur great humanitarian, development impact – UN relief official

    29 ноябрь 2017 With actors from the Global South increasingly among the frontli

  3. UN chief calls for $1 billion in donor contributions to emergency response fund

    8 декабрь 2017 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday called for $1 bill

  4. Flow of refugees, migrants to Europe slows but sea journey remains deadly – UN

    24 август 2017 Fewer refugees and migrants arrived in Europe in the first half of t

  5. New UN funding to help sustain critical aid programmes for nearly 150,000 in Chad

    17 ноябрь 2017 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) – a pool of funding wh

  6. Donors make initial pledges of $857 million to fund UN refugee agency’s work in 2018

    5 декабрь 2017 Donor governments on Tuesday pledged an initial $857 million to fun

  7. Protection, well-being of uprooted children must be central to new global migration compact – UNICEF

    15 декабрь 2017 Some 50 million children are on the move worldwide, and if countries follow best pract

  8. Delays in access in Syria ‘will mean further death,’ warns top UN relief official

    29 июнь 2017 Citing attacks against aid workers in Syria, the removal of live-saving supplies f

  9. Greece: UN agency cites struggle to provide shelter for asylum-seekers as winter arrives

    9 декабрь 2016 As winter closes in on Greece, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner fo

  10. Le chef du HCR exhorte le Conseil de sécurité à résoudre les conflits responsables de la crise mondiale des réfugiés

    2 ноябрь 2017 Le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, Filippo
