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Результаты поиска

  1. Los proyectiles ya no caen en muchos territorios sirios, pero la amenaza sigue viva

    4 октябрь 2018... la crisis humanitaria podría continuar más allá del año 2020 aunque “la vida se ...

  2. In Ukraine, UN chief Guterres urges full respect for ceasefire

    9 июль 2017 Speaking to the press in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, United Nations Secretary-Gener

  3. INTERVIEW: Ahead of Baku Forum, UN official spotlights ‘soft power’ approaches to counter violent extremism

    22 апрель 2016 As the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) prepares for an upcoming global conference in Ba

  4. Courageous Syrian swimmer named UN refugee agency Goodwill Ambassador

    27 апрель 2017 The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) today appoint

  5. Afghanistan: UN aid chief calls for scaled-up support to one million people on the move

    7 сентябрь 2016 Seeking $150 million for aid efforts in

  6. In Op-Ed, UN chief says global community 'must work in new ways to help people in crisis'

    14 июнь 2016 In an opinion piece published today by The Guardian, United Nations Secr

  7. Diseases and sexual violence threaten Somalis, South Sudanese escaping famine – UN

    18 апрель 2017 Millions of people are facing the peril of famine in Somalia and South Sudan, and the

  8. Feature: Curtain rises on world's busiest diplomatic arena at UN Headquarters

    16 сентябрь 2016 As world leaders gather in New York in the coming days, the curtain will soon ris

  9. Amid ‘difficult reality’ in Middle East, two-state solution more important than ever – UN chief

    5 февраль 2018 International consensus on a two-State solution to end the Israeli-P

  10. Journée des réfugiés : l'ONU lance un appel à la solidarité collective

    20 июнь 2016 A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugiés, célébrée chaque année 20
