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Результаты поиска

  1. UN refugee agency, African host countries agree on final steps on Rwandan refugees

    30 сентябрь 2016 The UN refugee agency and delegations from African countries as well as the A

  2. Refugees in Chad facing continued food insecurity, joint UN agency assessment reveals

    28 ноябрь 2016 A joint assessment by the Office of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNH

  3. Calais : la France doit fournir de l'eau potable et des services d'assainissement aux migrants (experts de l'ONU)

    16 октябрь 2017 Trois experts des droits de l'homme de l'ONU exhortent la France à me

  4. Intergovernmental negotiations - Sixth Round

    6 март 2018 Letter from the co-facilitators (11 July 2018) Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Final draft

  5. South Sudan: Security Council urged to do more to protect civilians, help end violence

    7 декабрь 2017... With the conflict in South Sudan entering its fifth year, senior United Nations ...

  6. UN and partners launch $4.4 billion regional appeal for more than five million Syrian refugees

    12 декабрь 2017 A more than $4 billion appeal has been launched to support what one senior United Nati

  7. Refugees and migrants taking 'enormous risks' to reach Europe – UN agency

    27 февраль 2017 Increased border restrictions and lack of accessible legal ways to r

  8. South Sudan refugees in Uganda exceed one million; UN renews appeal for help

    17 август 2017 As the number of refugees from South Sudan in Uganda passes one

  9. DESA - Getting the numbers right on human mobility

    10 май 2016 Deaths of migrants along migratory routes across the globe. Infographic by UN DESA With a young boy sleeping atop her lap, a woman sits beneath an umbrella, beside a railroad track on a rainy day, n...

  10. UN reports more than 300 migrant deaths on Mediterranean crossing in first two months of 2017

    24 февраль 2017 An estimated 366 migrants died at sea during their Mediterranean journey to Europe in
