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Результаты поиска

  1. 11 October Multi-stakeholder hearing

    4 октябрь 2017 Background documents

  2. Amid ‘difficult reality’ in Middle East, two-state solution more important than ever – UN chief

    5 февраль 2018 International consensus on a two-State solution to end the Israeli-P

  3. Myanmar can draw on UN expertise in tackling Rohingya returns, Security Council told

    12 декабрь 2017 The United Nations can help Myanmar to defuse inter-communal ten

  4. INTERVIEW: Stop dividing humanity into “us and them” – UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson

    29 декабрь 2016 Jan Eliasson took up the job of Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in July 201

  5. At UN, Central American leaders urge ‘rethink’ of system used to classify development status

    20 сентябрь 2017 In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Costa Rican President Luis

  6. INTERVIEW: UN must lead ‘surge in diplomacy’ for peace, Guterres says ahead of 72nd General Assembly

    8 сентябрь 2017 As the excitement starts to build ahead of the United Nations General Assembly’s annu

  7. EU should seek common approach to address tragic loss of life on Mediterranean – UN agencies

    2 февраль 2017 Ahead of a meeting of the European Council, the United Nations ref

  8. Special Adviser Karen AbuZayd talking points on the Fourteenth Coordination Meeting on International Migration

    25 февраль 2016

  9. Puntos de debate abordados por la Asesora Especial Karen AbuZayd en la Decimocuarta Reunión de Coordinación sobre Migración Internacional (EN)

    25 февраль 2016

  10. 特别顾问卡伦·阿卜扎伊德针对大会高级别小组和2016年9月19日—20日美国总统峰会的发言

    30 март 2016
