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Результаты поиска

  1. Politics prevailed over promises by France and UK in handling of children at Calais ‘Jungle’ – UN experts

    2 ноябрь 2016 The Governments of France and the United Kingdom fell seriously

  2. Migration challenges must be met with ‘conviction and compassion,’ Prime Minister of Malta tells UN

    23 сентябрь 2016 Highlighting the magnitude of the refugee and migration crisis, the Prime Minister of Malta

  3. In Geneva, Ban reiterates call to end Syrian conflict; reflects on tenure as UN chief

    3 октябрь 2016 Speaking at a press conference in the United Nations Office in Geneva today,

  4. World has 'every interest' in better managed migration – senior UN official

    28 сентябрь 2017 The world has every interest in managing migration better, given the expanding glob

  5. Ireland’s migrant past ‘tragic present for so many,’ Foreign Minister tells UN

    24 сентябрь 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Ireland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs a

  6. UN refugee agency ramps up response as Libya’s humanitarian crisis deepens

    22 май 2017 Conflict, insecurity, political instability and a collapsing econom

  7. Slovenia sets sight on educating youth for digital transformation, President tells UN Assembly

    21 сентябрь 2016 The President of Slovenia said today that the world is witnessing a digital transform

  8. Angola: Funds urgently needed as Congolese refugee influx overwhelms services, warns UN agency

    12 июнь 2017 As refugees fleeing violence and communal tensions in the Democrat

  9. In Iraq, UNICEF Ambassador Ewan McGregor urges help for children 'ripped from their homes'

    2 август 2016 Just back from crisis-riven northern Iraq, where he visited refugee camps for

  10. Iraq: UN food relief agency’s supplies reach Qayyarah’s 30,000 people under 2-year siege

    6 сентябрь 2016 The United Nations food relief agency has delivered urgently-needed aid to more than 30
