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Результаты поиска

  1. UN poised to scale up support for Libya’s post-conflict transition, Security Council told

    17 январь 2018 The United Nations is implementing its Action Plan for Libya to create the

  2. World has 'every interest' in better managed migration – senior UN official

    28 сентябрь 2017 The world has every interest in managing migration better, given the expanding glob

  3. UN ramps up aid delivery amid new surge of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

    13 октябрь 2017 The speed and scale of people fleeing Myanmar has triggered a human

  4. In Egypt, Assembly President points way towards more relevant, responsive and inclusive UN

    28 май 2016 With unprecedented opportunities ahead to enhance the work of the United Nations, as w

  5. UN chief calls for action on Myanmar and DPR Korea; launches reform initiatives

    13 сентябрь 2017 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today reiterated his call for Musli

  6. UN Standing Police Capacity: 10 years of rapid assistance to peace operations

    31 май 2017 Ten years on, the United Nations Standing Police Capacity (SPC) continues to bolster peacekeepi

  7. Rights of refugees and migrants with disabilities must be priority in new global action plan – UN experts

    12 апрель 2017 Accessible social and health services, with dedicated human and financial re

  8. New York Declaration

    15 сентябрь 2016 The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants expresses the political will of world leaders to save lives, protect rights and share responsibility on a global scale. At the  UN Summit on 19 September , we expect to hear from world lea...

  9. Feature: From Lesvos to Berlin – a photographer’s journey reveals the people behind the numbers

    17 июнь 2016 Renowned photographer Giles Duley, who barely survived a 2011 explosion in Afghanistan i

  10. Children increasingly targeted for murder, rape in Central African Republic – UNICEF

    18 июль 2017 Renewed fighting in the Central African Republic (CAR) is increasingly targeting children, whi
