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Результаты поиска

  1. PHOTO FEATURE: António Guterres – an illustrious career serving others

    11 декабрь 2016 Portugal's António Guterres will soon take the reigns as the UN Secretary-General, having been

  2. World leaders spotlight 2030 Agenda, climate action at UN General Assembly’s annual debate

    26 сентябрь 2016 Speaking on behalf of Peter Thomson, the President of the United Nations General Assemb

  3. Increasing cases of enforced disappearances ‘just the tip of the iceberg,’ UN experts group warns

    16 сентябрь 2016 In its latest

  4. UN chief launches first report to track Sustainable Development Goals

    20 июль 2016 Launching the first-ever Sustainable Development Goals report on the new global devel

  5. Overcrowded boat capsizes off Yemen coast, 30 drowned; UN agencies condemn smugglers

    26 январь 2018 At least 30 refugees and migrants drowned when their boat capsized off the coas

  6. FEATURE: Mission Accomplished – UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire

    1 май 2017 After 13 years, the United Nations is completing the peacekeeping phase of its engagement with Côt

  7. Syrian refugee children in Jordan show strength despite conflict – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson

    10 ноябрь 2016 Film star Liam Neeson has said that he was impressed by the strength and spark of th

  8. FEATURE: Music for the children of Yarmouk – and all refugees

    17 сентябрь 2016 “I took my piano and made it everything: my work, and my studies at university; to teac

  9. Latest Mediterranean tragedy pushes number of people perishing in 2016 beyond 5,000 – UN

    23 декабрь 2016 Highlighting that the number of casualties in the Mediterranean Se

  10. UN refugee agency aims to double funds for cash-based assistance to refugees by 2020

    31 октябрь 2016 The United Nations refugee agency announced today its intention to double funds for cash-b
