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Результаты поиска

  1. Syria: UN education envoy urges International Criminal Court probe into Idlib school attack

    27 октябрь 2016 The United Nations envoy for education today called for an immediate investigati

  2. Les migrants en situation irrégulière ont des droits, rappelle l'ONU

    8 май 2017 A l'occasion d'une réunion sur les migrations lundi à Genève, la Représentante spécia

  3. Central African Republic’s message to UN: ‘The only thing we want is peace’

    23 октябрь 2017 It was once known as the ‘Bridge of Death,’ the frontline between warring facti

  4. Le Protocole de l'OIT sur le travail forcé entre en vigueur

    10 ноябрь 2016 Le

  5. UNICEF calls for action to prevent more deaths in Central Mediterranean as attempted crossings spike

    21 апрель 2017 Noting increases in number of migrants, including children, attemp

  6. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 ноябрь 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  7. Iraq: UN refugee camp opens twelfth camp as displacement escalates in West Mosul

    12 май 2017 Less than four weeks after opening its last camp, the United Nations refugee agency welcome

  8. FEATURE: Highlighting ‘positive impact’ of migration key to changing policies, public opinion – UN envoy

    28 апрель 2017 Recognizing that the issue of large movements of refugees and mi

  9. "What is the underlying conflict? It’s similar in both countries and can be described as an incomplete social contract"– UN envoy for Sudan and South Sudan

    12 октябрь 2016 Nicholas Haysom has experience in challenging political situations.

  10. UN, partners building roads to reach Rohingya refugees camped in muddy, flood-prone terrain

    10 ноябрь 2017 The United Nations migration agency and its partners are rushi
