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Результаты поиска

  1. Greece: UN agency cites struggle to provide shelter for asylum-seekers as winter arrives

    9 декабрь 2016 As winter closes in on Greece, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner fo

  2. Mediterranean death toll in 2016 ‘worst we have seen’ – UN refugee agency

    25 октябрь 2016 With just two months left in 2016, and despite a substantial drop i

  3. ‘Unprecedented’ 65 million people displaced by war and persecution in 2015 – UN

    20 июнь 2016 In Yemen, internally displaced children stand outside their family tent after the family fled their home in Saada province and found refuge in Darwin camp, in the northern province of Amran. Photo: UNHCR/Yahya Arhab ...

  4. Funding shortfall for UN emergency response fund could have 'devastating impact'

    2 ноябрь 2016 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has warned that an imminen

  5. After four years of conflict, uncertainty lingers for displaced Ukrainians – UN refugee agency

    11 август 2017... As the conflict in Ukraine enters its fourth year, nearly 1.6 mi ...

  6. New UN funding to help sustain critical aid programmes for nearly 150,000 in Chad

    17 ноябрь 2017 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) – a pool of funding wh

  7. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 февраль 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  8. Protection, well-being of uprooted children must be central to new global migration compact – UNICEF

    15 декабрь 2017 Some 50 million children are on the move worldwide, and if countries follow best pract

  9. Western Saharan refugees face looming food shortage, UN agencies warn in appeal for donor support

    2 ноябрь 2016 Three United Nations agencies operating in Algeria appealed today for continue

  10. UNICEF urges G7 leaders to adopt six-point action plan to keep refugee children safe

    25 май 2017 Ahead of the Group of Seven summit in Italy, the United Nations children’s agency has
