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Результаты поиска

  1. Intergovernmental negotiations - Sixth Round

    6 март 2018 Letter from the co-facilitators (11 July 2018) Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Final ...

  2. Issue Brief #1 Human rights of all migrants, social inclusion, cohesion and all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance

    19 апрель 2017 Download issue_brief_for_first_thematic_session.pdf (217.83 КБ)

  3. Thematic Session 1: Invitation for dialogue with co-facilitators, Organizational arrangements, Organization of work

    2 май 2017 Download pga_letterre1stthematicsession.pdf (626.96 КБ)

  4. TS1 MS Bulgaria Panel 1

    18 май 2017 Download bulgaria_statement_panel_1.pdf (239.49 КБ)

  5. Interactive multi-stakeholder hearing 1: Provisional agenda

    25 июль 2017 Download july25_hearings1_agenda.pdf (339.96 КБ)

  6. TS5 Country Statement Brazil panel 1

    5 сентябрь 2017 Download brazil_ts5_p1.pdf (12.29 КБ)

  7. TS5 Country Statement Cuba panel 1

    5 сентябрь 2017 Download cuba_ts5_p1.pdf (206.16 КБ)

  8. TS5 Country Statement Thailand panel 1

    5 сентябрь 2017 Download thailand_ts5_p1.pdf (216.84 КБ)

  9. Casi 1 de cada 5 niños en el Medio Oriente y el Norte de África necesita ayuda urgente

    11 сентябрь 2017 Casi uno de cada cinco niños en el Medio Oriente y el norte de África necesita ayuda humanitaria inmediata y nueve de cada diez viven en países afectados por conflictos, reveló este lunes el Fondo

  10. PV Day2 Agenda 1 Bulgaria

    9 январь 2018 Download pv_day2_ag1_bulgaria.pdf (101.68 КБ)
