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Результаты поиска

  1. Lake Chad Basin: Vulnerable people ‘a step away from starvation,’ says UN aid chief

    28 сентябрь 2017... up of international assistance to the Lake Chad Basin this year has a ...

  2. South Sudan, Africa's largest refugee crisis, needs urgent response – UN agency

    10 февраль 2017 With already more than 3.5 million displaced within and outside the

  3. For Yemenis and migrants, protracted conflict an 'endless nightmare' – head of UN agency

    2 октябрь 2017 Amid worsening famine and cholera in war-torn Yemen, the head of the U

  4. Three years into conflict, humanitarian needs in South Sudan continue to rise – UN relief wing

    22 декабрь 2016 Since fighting first erupted in South Sudan three years back, tens of thousand

  5. UN refugee agency lauds Europe's rescue efforts in Mediterranean amid 'tragic start' to New Year

    16 январь 2017 The United Nations refugee agency praised the Italian Coastguar

  6. UN Africa forum launches high-level migration panel to help create political momentum for change

    7 июнь 2017 Amid growing concern for the safety of migrants, particularly in Afri

  7. Le Pacte mondial devrait faire une différence dans la vie des réfugiés et des migrants, selon une conseillère spéciale de l'ONU

    28 октябрь 2016 Conseillère spéciale du Secrétaire général, Karen AbuZayd a travaillé avec des entités de l'ON

  8. Over 3.5 million refugee children missing out on education, UN report finds

    12 сентябрь 2017 Over 3.5 million refugee children did not have the chance to attend school in the last

  9. UN agriculture chief says Uganda 'leading example' of sustainable refugee response

    30 август 2017 The head of the United Nations agriculture agency today called for greater funding for a

  10. With 2.2 million Afghans feared to be on the move, UN agency to begin tracking displacements, aid relief

    27 январь 2017 Amid concerns of a severe humanitarian crisis induced by sudden return home
