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Результаты поиска

  1. INTERVIEW: New global compact “should make difference” in lives of refugees and migrants – outgoing UN Special Adviser

    28 октябрь 2016 The adoption of what has been dubbed the “New York Declaration” should mak

  2. Funding shortfall for UN emergency response fund could have 'devastating impact'

    2 ноябрь 2016 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has warned that an imminen

  3. South Sudan: Security Council urged to do more to protect civilians, help end violence

    7 декабрь 2017... With the conflict in South Sudan entering its fifth year, senior United Nations ...

  4. Lake Chad Basin: Boko Haram-induced crisis is ‘children’s crisis,’ UNICEF warns

    25 август 2016 Years of violence by Boko Haram in Africa’s Lake Chad basin, whi

  5. Le nombre de migrants décédés en franchissant la frontière entre le Mexique et les États-Unis augmente rapidement en 2017, selon l'OIM

    4 август 2017 Le nombre de migrants qui meurent en franchissant la frontière entre les

  6. Colombian leader cites his accord with rebels as paradigm for ending civil wars worldwide

    21 сентябрь 2016 A year after pledging to return to the United Nations General Assembly to ...

  7. EU has largely ‘abandoned’ Greece to deal with migrant crisis on its own, UN expert warns

    17 май 2016 The suffering of migrants in Greece is the result of a complete absence of long-term visi

  8. UNICEF calls for action to prevent more deaths in Central Mediterranean as attempted crossings spike

    21 апрель 2017 Noting increases in number of migrants, including children, attemp

  9. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 ноябрь 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  10. UN, partners building roads to reach Rohingya refugees camped in muddy, flood-prone terrain

    10 ноябрь 2017 The United Nations migration agency and its partners are rushi
