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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Syria: Conflict plunging to new ‘lows,’ UNICEF says, deploring killing of school children

    12 Octobre 2016 Deploring yesterday’s deadly attack on a primary school in the Syrian city of Darra, th

  2. Some 3,500 people fleeing South Sudan each day due to ongoing conflict – UN refugee agency

    4 Novembre 2016 The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has led to immense suffering and displac

  3. At Forum, Ban stresses key role of business in securing way forward on Global Goals

    19 Septembre 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underscored the cr

  4. Afghanistan: UN aid chief calls for scaled-up support to one million people on the move

    7 Septembre 2016 Seeking $150 million for aid efforts in

  5. Refugees, climate change and Syria likely standouts amid ‘whirlwind’ of UN high-level week – Ban

    14 Septembre 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today that the global challenges pert

  6. Afghanistan: UN launches nine-month operation to assist returnees with emergency food and cash

    15 Novembre 2016 The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has launched a nine-month op

  7. Funding shortfall for UN emergency response fund could have 'devastating impact'

    2 Novembre 2016 The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has warned that an imminen

  8. Uganda and UN to convene 'solidarity summit' amid fast-growing refugee emergency

    21 Juin 2017 Facing a fast-growing refugee crisis, Uganda is set to host in its

  9. Feature: From Lesvos to Berlin – a photographer’s journey reveals the people behind the numbers

    17 Juin 2016 Renowned photographer Giles Duley, who barely survived a 2011 explosion in Afghanistan i

  10. INTERVIEW: Making the 'most impossible job' a possible mission – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

    22 Décembre 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s last day in office is
