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Résultats de la recherche

  1. More than $350 million pledged for refugees in Uganda; 'A good start, we cannot stop,' says UN chief

    23 Juin 2017 A 'Solidarity Summit' for refugees hosted by Uganda has raised some $358 m

  2. Children in West and Central Africa moving in greater numbers than ever before, finds UN report

    5 Juillet 2017 With more than seven million children in West and Central Africa uprooted from their

  3. UN agency assists nearly 100,000 migrants return home in 2016

    11 Juillet 2017 The United Nations migration agency reported today that it helped

  4. UN agency seeks $421 to support alternatives for refugees, migrants crossing to Europe

    18 Juillet 2017 The United Nations refugee agency today appealed for about $421.2 million to hel

  5. Latest round of UN-led global consultations spotlights migrants’ contributions to development

    24 Juillet 2017 Although the net benefits of migration far outweigh its costs, the p

  6. UN refugee agency seeks $9.5 million to assist self-organized Nigerian returnees from Cameroon

    26 Juillet 2017 The UN refugee agency is seeking an additional $9.5 million to scale up its ac

  7. 'None of us should stand silent' while civilians suffer in Syria, Security Council told

    27 Juillet 2017 Despite the remarkable hope and strength shown by most Syrians, daily life remai

  8. 'Dramatic' rise in Central African Republic violence happening out of media eyes, warns UNICEF

    15 Août 2017 The Central African Republic (CAR) has spiralled into violence and remains one of

  9. UN chief Guterres meets Israel's Netanyahu in Jerusalem, pledges to fight anti-Semitism

    28 Août 2017 Reiterating his commitment to fighting anti-Semitism, United Nations Secreta

  10. UN agriculture chief says Uganda 'leading example' of sustainable refugee response

    30 Août 2017 The head of the United Nations agriculture agency today called for greater funding for a
