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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Feature: From Lesvos to Berlin – a photographer’s journey reveals the people behind the numbers

    17 Juin 2016 Renowned photographer Giles Duley, who barely survived a 2011 explosion in Afghanistan i

  2. UN human rights chief points to ‘textbook example of ethnic cleansing’ in Myanmar

    11 Septembre 2017 The United Nations human rights chief today lashed out at the treatment

  3. African migrants reportedly being sold in ‘slave markets’ in Libya, UN agency warns

    11 Avril 2017 Hundreds of migrants along North African migrant routes are being bought and

  4. Heading to Uganda for 'solidarity summit,' UN chief marks World Refugee Day with calls for action

    20 Juin 2017 Refugee protection is not a matter of solidarity or generosity, but an obligation un

  5. ‘Disproportionate emphasis’ on security would undercut sustaining peace in Sahel – UN deputy chief

    28 Juin 2017 The United Nations deputy chief today stressed the need to “avoid a disproportiona

  6. INTERVIEW: In new UN role, Malala Yousafzai seeks to inspire girls to stand up, speak out for rights

    11 Avril 2017 In 2012, Malala Yousafzai made headlines all over the world when she was shot by the Taliba

  7. Ban hails UN-backed fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria as partnership model for Global Goals

    17 Septembre 2016 Praising the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as a model of

  8. Refugees and migrants taking 'enormous risks' to reach Europe – UN agency

    27 Février 2017 Increased border restrictions and lack of accessible legal ways to r

  9. Rohingya crisis one of the fastest growing in recent years, warns UN refugee agency

    15 Septembre 2017 The humanitarian situation in parts of Bangladesh sheltering

  10. Europe: 24,600 refugee children 'in limbo' at risk of mental distress, UNICEF warns

    4 Mai 2017 Nearly 75,000 refugees and migrants, including an estimated 24,600 ch
