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Résultats de la recherche

  1. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin traveled to Lebanon to meet refugee children who have fled Syria conflict

    3 Juin 2016 On 1 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin plays football with Syrian ...

  2. Increasingly complex armed conflicts have dire impact on children – UN envoy

    24 Août 2016 The impact on children of the collective failure to prevent and end conflict i

  3. At annual event, UN invites Member States to join multilateral treaty framework

    15 Septembre 2017 The United Nations will be hosting the annual Treaty Event next week at its Headquarters

  4. Ban urges ramped up support to meet Peacebuilding Fund’s financial challenges

    22 Septembre 2016 Ban urges ramped up support to meet Peacebuilding Fund’s financial ch

  5. UN refugee agency chief launches appeal to support thousands displaced in Lake Chad Basin

    16 Décembre 2016 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grand

  6. ‘If you want to protect your image, protect children,’ Ban tells debate on war-affected children

    2 Août 2016 With children continuing to be tortured, maimed, imprisoned, starved, se

  7. UN human rights body appoints Commission of Inquiry on Burundi

    22 Novembre 2016 Following a decision of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in which it setup

  8. Uganda’s President cites ‘pseudo-ideology’ and fragmented markets as barriers to African prosperity

    21 Septembre 2016 Addressing the UN General Assembly, the President of Uganda today pointed out that two is

  9. World closer to ending modern slavery as UN-backed protocol on forced labour comes into force

    10 Novembre 2016 An international protocol on forced labour has entered into force, a maj

  10. Land urgently needed to avert ‘drastic deterioration’ in Burundian refugee camps in neighbouring countries

    7 Février 2017 Stalled peace talks in Burundi are forcing hundreds to flee ev
