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Résultats de la recherche

  1. INTERVIEW: Mark Bowden on his time in Afghanistan and on revamping international aid

    31 Mars 2017 The conflict in Afghanistan is “partially forgotten,” the former United Nations

  2. New UN report reveals millions of refugee children ‘missing out’ on education

    15 Septembre 2016 In a new report, the United Nations refugee agency said that more than so

  3. INTERVIEW: Stop dividing humanity into “us and them” – UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson

    29 Décembre 2016 Jan Eliasson took up the job of Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in July 201

  4. HABITAT III: UN conference agrees new urban development agenda creating sustainable, equitable cities for all

    20 Octobre 2016 A major conference on the future of the world’s cities and towns, known as

  5. European leaders at General Assembly stress UN’s vital importance in resolving global crises

    23 Septembre 2017 European leaders mounted the rostrum of the United Nations General Assembly today to sp

  6. ISTANBUL : A l'ouverture du Sommet humanitaire, Ban Ki-moon appelle à 'façonner un avenir différent'

    23 Mai 2016 Lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du premier

  7. In Nairobi, UN chief Guterres marks International Women’s Day, hails Kenya’s role in multilateralism

    8 Mars 2017 The richness, welfare and prosperity of countries depend on the full integration of women

  8. Senior UN officials seek accountability for human trafficking crimes in forced migration

    24 Septembre 2016 Senior United Nations officials today called for those responsible

  9. UN Special Envoy for Syria welcomes ceasefire understanding; pledges UN support

    9 Septembre 2016 Welcoming a new ceasefire understanding on cessation of hostilities in Syria,

  10. FEATURE: WFP in Emergency Operation to Assist Around 80,000 South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda

    1 Septembre 2016 Halima, aged 22, is from the village of Yei in South Sudan.
