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Résultats de la recherche

  1. UN refugee agency ramps up response as Libya’s humanitarian crisis deepens

    22 Mai 2017 Conflict, insecurity, political instability and a collapsing econom

  2. Slovenia sets sight on educating youth for digital transformation, President tells UN Assembly

    21 Septembre 2016 The President of Slovenia said today that the world is witnessing a digital transform

  3. Angola: Funds urgently needed as Congolese refugee influx overwhelms services, warns UN agency

    12 Juin 2017 As refugees fleeing violence and communal tensions in the Democrat

  4. Nigeria’s military gains against Boko Haram uncover vast humanitarian needs – UN

    19 Août 2016 The United Nations refugee agency said today that it is increasingly alarmed at th

  5. In Iraq, UNICEF Ambassador Ewan McGregor urges help for children 'ripped from their homes'

    2 Août 2016 Just back from crisis-riven northern Iraq, where he visited refugee camps for

  6. Iraq: UN food relief agency’s supplies reach Qayyarah’s 30,000 people under 2-year siege

    6 Septembre 2016 The United Nations food relief agency has delivered urgently-needed aid to more than 30

  7. Manifestations connexes

    4 Octobre 2016 Des précisions concernant les différentes manifestations seront ajoutées ci-dessous au fur et à mesure qu’elles nous seront communiquées. Témoigner : la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains et les migrations  forcées Quand : l...

  8. At global UN consultation, health leaders underline need for action on migrant health

    24 Février 2017 Against the backdrop of health systems struggling to adapt to the growing needs

  9. Culture of prevention vital to peace and security, Portugal’s President tells UN Assembly

    21 Septembre 2016 In a wide-ranging address to the UN General Assembly, the President of Portugal said

  10. Plus de 150 enfants seraient morts dans leur traversée de la Méditerranée centrale cette année, selon l'UNICEF

    21 Avril 2017 Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance (UNICEF) a estimé vendredi que plus de
