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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Global compact on migration: Accreditation for Preparatory Process

    20 Mars 2017 NGOs, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities, not in consultative status with ECOSOC, ar

  2. مفوضية اللاجئين ترحب بمساهمة إضافية من ألمانيا لدعم النازحين العراقيين

    27 Décembre 2017... لعام 2017 وأربعة ملايين يورو لعام 2018 لتقديم المساعدة للنازحين العراقيين، ...

  3. Договор о беженцах

    13 Novembre 2018 Верховному комиссару ООН по делам беженцев было предложено подготовить новый глобальный договор о беженцах в консультации с соответствующими государствами и заинтересованными сторонами, взяв за основу комплекс мер в отношении беженцев, излож...

  4. Grèce : les arrivées de réfugiés se sont accélérées en août, note le HCR

    8 Septembre 2017 Les arrivées de réfugiés en Grèce se sont « accélérées » au mois d'août, a

  5. UN agency launches appeal to fund aid efforts in crisis-struck South Sudan

    30 Janvier 2018 Amid worsening humanitarian situation in South Sudan an

  6. UN and partners aiding ‘unprecedented’ flow of refugees from Myanmar

    12 Septembre 2017 The flow of desperate Rohingya fleeing across the border from Myanmar into Banglade

  7. Situation on Australian offshore processing facility at risk of further deterioration, UN warns

    24 Novembre 2017 Stating that the beating of refugees and asylum-seekers at the former

  8. Special Representative for International Migration

    21 Juin 2017 UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Louise Arbour of Canada as his Special Representative for International Migration on 9 March 2017.

  9. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 Novembre 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  10. Security Council deplores maritime tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea

    23 Avril 2016 The United Nations Security Council has deplored the recent maritime trag
