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Résultats de la recherche

  1. اللاجئون ليسوا أرقاما: اقض يوما مع لاجئ

    19 Juin 2018... إلى نحو تسعة وستين مليون شخص عام 2017. ...

  2. Hambre, Idlib... Las noticias del martes

    11 Septembre 2018 El número de personas que padecen hambre en el mundo continúa en aumento.

  3. UN agencies call for funds to reverse food ration cuts for refugees in Rwanda

    11 Janvier 2018 United Nations humanitarian agencies on Thursday called

  4. EU-UN cash transfer plan for education aims to reach 230,000 refugee children in Turkey

    17 Mars 2017 The European Union and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have launched a larg

  5. In hard-hitting speech, UN human rights chief warns against populists and demagogues

    6 Septembre 2016 In a hard-hitting speech, the United Nations human rights chief has strongly warned ag

  6. Politics prevailed over promises by France and UK in handling of children at Calais ‘Jungle’ – UN experts

    2 Novembre 2016 The Governments of France and the United Kingdom fell seriously

  7. In Egypt, Assembly President points way towards more relevant, responsive and inclusive UN

    28 Mai 2016 With unprecedented opportunities ahead to enhance the work of the United Nations, as w

  8. Worsening food insecurity forcing more people to migrate, finds new UN report

    5 Mai 2017 Highlighting the complex link between food insecurity and migration –

  9. Hunger continues to intensify in conflict zones, UN agencies report to Security Council

    29 Janvier 2018 Food insecurity – or lack of access to enough food – continues

  10. L'Assemblée générale clôt sa 71e session, marquée notamment par la Conférence sur les océans

    11 Septembre 2017 L'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a clos lundi sa 71e session,
