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  1. Secretary-General’s opening remarks to the Conference Supporting Syria and the Region

    4 February 2016

  2. Secretary-General's remarks at High-Level Meeting on Migration and Refugee Flows

    30 September 2015

  3. Deputy Secretary-General's remarks at the Fourteenth Coordination Meeting on International Migration

    25 February 2016

  4. Statement Attributable to Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the loss of lives of refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean Sea

    31 May 2016

  5. Secretary-General's message on World Refugee Day

    20 June 2016

  6. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General for International Migration, Louise Arbour on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    21 March 2017 Download final_statement_-_international_day_on_elimination_of_racism_as_of_20march.pdf (108.48 KB)

  7. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General for International Migration and Secretary-General of the Intergovernmental Conference, Louise Arbour, at the first informal thematic session on human rights of all migrants

    9 May 2017 Download srsg-ts1-opening.pdf (94.61 KB)

  8. Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General for International Migration and Secretary-General of the Intergovernmental Conference, Louise Arbour, at the second informal thematic session on the drivers of migration

    22 May 2017 Download may_22_-_thematic_session_2.pdf (58.54 KB)

  9. Statement by Special Representative of the Secretary General for International Migration, Louise Arbour, at side event “Ensuring the right of all to remain in dignity, peace and security in their countries of origin”

    23 May 2017 Download statement_by_srsg_international_migration_-_holy_see_side_event.pdf (65.52 KB)

  10. Statement of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration at GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Climate change and migration"

    24 May 2017 Download may_24_-_srsg_remarks_gfmd_rabat_climate_change_migration.pdf (253.72 KB)
