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  1. At General Assembly, Bosnia and Herzegovina stresses central role of UN in preventing war

    20 September 2017 The leader of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country born two decades ago in the ...

  2. Secretary-General's Report

    12 October 2017 The report is the Secretary-General’s contribution to the process of developing the Global Compact for ...

  3. At close of 71st General Assembly, outgoing President stresses sustainability

    11 September 2017 The United Nations General Assembly today closed its 71st session w ...

  4. King of Spain stresses support for 2030 Agenda, climate change action at UN Assembly

    21 September 2016 In his address to the UN General Assembly, Don Felipe VI, the King of Spain, stressed his c ...

  5. At Forum, Ban stresses key role of business in securing way forward on Global Goals

    19 September 2016 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today underscored the cr ...

  6. At UN, Greek Prime Minister says economy ‘emerging;’ stresses need for refugee management framework

    23 September 2016... Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras today ...

  7. At UN, Tanzania – ‘as a country of refuge to many’ – stresses importance of regional stability

    24 September 2017 Tanzania has integrated ‘sustainability’ into its development plan 2016-2021, with an

  8. UN refugee agency stresses importance of search missions after latest shipwreck in Europe

    30 March 2017 With nearly 150 people dead or missing in another shipwreck off t

  9. INTERVIEW: ‘Disarmament matters’ in times of crisis, stresses new High Representative

    6 July 2017 Izumi Nakamitsu has taken the helm of United Nations disarmament affairs at a time when nee

  10. Security Council stresses need of ‘sustainable solutions’ for millions displaced in Darfur

    31 January 2018 Despite improvements in the security and humanitarian situation in Darfur, c
