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Результаты поиска

  1. At UN, Slovak President warns against leaders caring more about retaining power than improving lives

    20 сентябрь 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly’s general debate today, Andrej Kiska, th

  2. Myanmar: Plight of refugees focus of top UN political official’s meetings

    17 октябрь 2017 Concluding a visit to Myanmar, the top United Nations political official has unde

  3. UN chief Guterres engages in 'constructive' discussions on Yemen, Libya with Saudi Foreign Minister

    12 февраль 2017 Visiting Saudi Arabia, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today that

  4. Grèce : les arrivées de réfugiés se sont accélérées en août, note le HCR

    8 сентябрь 2017 Les arrivées de réfugiés en Grèce se sont « accélérées » au mois d'août, a

  5. UN and partners aiding ‘unprecedented’ flow of refugees from Myanmar

    12 сентябрь 2017 The flow of desperate Rohingya fleeing across the border from Myanmar into Banglade

  6. Situation on Australian offshore processing facility at risk of further deterioration, UN warns

    24 ноябрь 2017 Stating that the beating of refugees and asylum-seekers at the former

  7. ‘Dramatic’ action needed to cut emissions, slow rise in global temperature – UN Environment report

    3 ноябрь 2016 A day before the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change comes into force, th

  8. Security Council deplores maritime tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea

    23 апрель 2016 The United Nations Security Council has deplored the recent maritime trag

  9. Rohingya refugees living in ‘dire’ conditions, senior UN officials warn, appealing for assistance

    4 октябрь 2017 The human tragedy unfolding in southern Bangladesh is staggering in

  10. ICC prosecutor urges handover of Al-Saiqa brigade commander, others wanted for alleged crimes in Libya

    8 ноябрь 2017 The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant
