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نتائج البحث

  1. Iraq: Miles de civiles huyen de Fallujah pero 50.000 aún se encuentran atrapados

    31 مايو 2016 Unas 3.700 personas huyeron la semana pasada de la ciudad iraquí de Fallujah debido a una nueva ofensiva del ejército iraquí que intenta reconquistar la ciudad tomada por el ISIS en enero de 2014,

  2. Miles de familias consiguen escapar de la ciudad sitiada de Fallujah, Iraq

    17 يونيو 2016 Miles de familias están huyendo de la ciudad iraquí de Fallujah a través de dos puentes que lograron abrirse ayer, informó la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM).

  3. ISTANBUL : A l'ouverture du Sommet humanitaire, Ban Ki-moon appelle à 'façonner un avenir différent'

    23 مايو 2016 Lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du premier

  4. UN agency ‘alarmed’ by uncertainty facing refugees in the process of being resettled in US

    30 يناير 2017 The head of the United Nations refugee agency today said he is “deeply

  5. UN report reveals shocking abuse African migrant women face on their journey to Europe

    21 يوليو 2017 The United Nations migration agency today said that perhaps 80 per cent of Niger

  6. ‘Stand up against intolerance and eliminate discrimination,’ says UN chief Guterres

    21 مارس 2017 Against the backdrop of rising discrimination and violence against those perceived as different,

  7. Some 3,500 people fleeing South Sudan each day due to ongoing conflict – UN refugee agency

    4 نوفمبر 2016 The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has led to immense suffering and displac

  8. Journée pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale : le chef de l'ONU appelle à lutter contre l'intolérance

    21 مارس 2017 A l'occasion de la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale qui est

  9. At General Assembly, France urges return to optimism, values that underpinned UN’s founding

    19 سبتمبر 2017 Citing a litany of world crises and quoting directly from victims of man-made and natural

  10. Ahead of International Day, UN rights chief urges governments to target hate speech, crimes

    20 مارس 2017 On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the U
