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نتائج البحث

  1. Central American leaders at UN Assembly spotlight regions efforts to address transport, public health migration issues

    21 سبتمبر 2016 Addressing the United Nations General Assembly today, Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, Presi

  2. Continuing support for Burundi political process only way forward, Security Council told

    20 نوفمبر 2017 Despite challenges towards inclusive dialogue in Burundi, the United Nat

  3. Global series of events

    14 أبريل 2016 April Date Event 21-22 April New York GA Hall High Level Political Debate on achieving the SDGs and signing of the Paris Agreement 25 April 10.00-1.00pm UNHQ C...

  4. More refugees and migrants feared lost in Mediterranean; UN urges safer resettlement options

    12 يناير 2018 Amid reports that some 160 people are feared lost during desperat

  5. FEATURE: Music for the children of Yarmouk – and all refugees

    17 سبتمبر 2016 “I took my piano and made it everything: my work, and my studies at university; to teac

  6. US travel ban a 'significant setback' for those needing international protection – UN rights experts

    1 فبراير 2017 Expressing concern that a new Executive Order by the United States Presid

  7. السودان:المفوض السامي لشؤون اللاجئين يرحب بالإفراج عن موظفين مختطفين

    20 ديسمبر 2016... المفوضية كانوا قد اختطفوا في 27 تشرين الثاني نوفمبر الماضي في منطقة ...

  8. Les mesures américaines suspendant la réinstallation de réfugiés devraient être levées, selon le chef de l'ONU

    1 فبراير 2017 Réagissant à la récente suspension par les Etats-Unis de leur programme de réinstallat

  9. US should lift measure suspending refugee resettlement, says UN chief Guterres

    1 فبراير 2017 Reacting to the recent suspension by the United States of its longstanding refugee pro

  10. Plus de 60.000 réfugiés et migrants ont traversé la Méditerranée centrale depuis le début de l'année, selon le HCR

    30 مايو 2017 Le nombre total de personnes ayant traversant la Méditerranée centrale depu
