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نتائج البحث

  1. Le HCR salue les efforts de l'Europe pour les sauvetages en mer Méditerranée

    16 يناير 2017 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s'est f

  2. After four years of conflict, uncertainty lingers for displaced Ukrainians – UN refugee agency

    11 أغسطس 2017... As the conflict in Ukraine enters its fourth year, nearly 1.6 mi ...

  3. Opening 71st General Assembly, new President pledges to ‘turn the wheels’ on implementing 17 Global Goals

    14 سبتمبر 2016 The United Nations General Assembly today opened its 71st session, with an emphasis o

  4. Interview with Karen AbuZayd, Special Adviser on the Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants

    6 مايو 2016 Karen AbuZayd wants you to think of refugees and migrants in a positive way.

  5. UNICEF calls for action to prevent more deaths in Central Mediterranean as attempted crossings spike

    21 أبريل 2017 Noting increases in number of migrants, including children, attemp

  6. Relentless fighting in Syria continues to exact terrible toll on civilians, says UN deputy aid chief

    30 يناير 2018 Hostilities in Syria continues to drive hundreds of thousands f

  7. UN refugee agency steps up support as winter bites for displaced in Iraq and Syria

    25 نوفمبر 2016 With winter approaching and temperatures falling, the United Nations r

  8. Большинство сирийских беженцев в соседних странах оказались за чертой бедности

    5 يوليو 2016 Несмотря на предпринимаемые усилия, уровень бедности среди сирийских беженцев, нашедших приют в

  9. UNICEF urges G7 leaders to adopt six-point action plan to keep refugee children safe

    25 مايو 2017 Ahead of the Group of Seven summit in Italy, the United Nations children’s agency has

  10. Avant le débat général de l'Assemblée générale, Ban Ki-moon plaide pour les réfugiés, le climat et la Syrie

    14 سبتمبر 2016 Alors que les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement du monde entier sont attendus au siège de l'
