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نتائج البحث

  1. World population to hit 9.8 billion by 2050, despite nearly universal lower fertility rates – UN

    21 يونيو 2017 The world population is now at least 7.6 billion, up from 7.4 billion last year, spu ...

  2. Humanitarian needs have never been greater in Syria, UN chief tells Brussels conference

    5 أبريل 2017 Speaking at a major international conference on Syria, United Nations Secretary-General A

  3. UN urges Australia to find humane solutions for refugees, asylum seekers on Manus Island

    22 ديسمبر 2017 The United Nations refugee agency warned on Friday that the situation of

  4. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Ricky Martin traveled to Lebanon to meet refugee children who have fled Syria conflict

    3 يونيو 2016 On 1 June 2016, UNICEF goodwill ambassador Ricky Martin plays football with Syrian refugee children at Al-Hissa informal refugee settlement in northern Lebanon. © UNICEF/UN020856/Choufany

  5. UN agency begins assisting thousands of West African migrants to leave Libya

    8 ديسمبر 2017 The United Nations migration agency and the Government of Niger welcomed the first 504

  6. Increasing cases of enforced disappearances ‘just the tip of the iceberg,’ UN experts group warns

    16 سبتمبر 2016 In its latest

  7. Iraq: Sustained funding ‘crucial’ as Mosul displacement grows, says UN refugee agency

    18 نوفمبر 2016 The United Nations refugee agency today stressed the crucial need for sustai

  8. Tallying fewer crossings, UN agency reports rise in migrant deaths at US-Mexico border

    4 أغسطس 2017 Even as the flow appears to have thinned, migrants crossing the United States-

  9. UN chief launches first report to track Sustainable Development Goals

    20 يوليو 2016 Launching the first-ever Sustainable Development Goals report on the new global devel

  10. World closer to ending modern slavery as UN-backed protocol on forced labour comes into force

    10 نوفمبر 2016 An international protocol on forced labour has entered into force, a maj
