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نتائج البحث

  1. UN Women - Working to stem the tide of post-earthquake migration in Nepal

    24 سبتمبر 2015 Maya Tulachan (right) puts together a dignity kit. Photo: UN Women Bijaya Rai Shrestha distributes solar lanterns and radios, provided by UN Women, in an earthquake-affected district. Photo: Pourakh...

  2. Syria: Conflict plunging to new ‘lows,’ UNICEF says, deploring killing of school children

    12 أكتوبر 2016 Deploring yesterday’s deadly attack on a primary school in the Syrian city of Darra, th

  3. Attacks on hospitals and medical staff ‘symptoms of grave disregard’ for international law – UN chief

    25 مايو 2017 Attacks on hospitals and medical staff ‘symptoms of grave disregard’ for international law –

  4. UN migration chief visits Nigeria's northeast; new fund allocates $10.5 million

    1 أغسطس 2017 The United Nations has sharpened its focus on efforts to tackle the humanitarian crisis in nor

  5. FEATURE: WFP in Emergency Operation to Assist Around 80,000 South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda

    1 سبتمبر 2016 Halima, aged 22, is from the village of Yei in South Sudan.

  6. FEATURE: Story of Japan’s 'Schindler' offers lessons for tackling contemporary xenophobia

    26 يناير 2017 During World War II, Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat posted as an acting cons

  7. DESA - Getting the numbers right on human mobility

    10 مايو 2016... has been at the heart of Bela Hovy’s work for the past 20 years. ...

  8. South Sudan: Security Council urged to do more to protect civilians, help end violence

    7 ديسمبر 2017... With the conflict in South Sudan entering its fifth year, senior United Nations ...

  9. Security Council fails to adopt resolutions on ending violence in war-torn Syria's eastern Aleppo

    8 أكتوبر 2016 The United Nations Security Council today failed to adopt two resolutions to end the blo

  10. Fight against tuberculosis only 'half-won,' UN chief says on World Day

    24 مارس 2016 Observing World Tuberculosis Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for united global efforts to end the deadly disease by 2030 as it would claim the lives of 1.5 million people
