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نتائج البحث

  1. At UN, Tanzania – ‘as a country of refuge to many’ – stresses importance of regional stability

    24 سبتمبر 2017 Tanzania has integrated ‘sustainability’ into its development plan 2016-2021, with an

  2. Hongrie : l'ONU préoccupée par une nouvelle loi jugée restrictive contre les réfugiés

    15 يوليو 2016 Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) s'est dit v

  3. Méditerranée : 90 migrants portés disparus après le naufrage de leur embarcation au large de la Libye

    2 فبراير 2018 La Méditerranée continue d'être le cimetière marin de milliers de

  4. Peace in Syria an imperative ‘that cannot wait,’ UN chief Guterres says as war enters seventh year

    15 مارس 2017... As the brutal war in Syria enters its seventh year, peace “is a moral and polit ...

  5. Delays in access in Syria ‘will mean further death,’ warns top UN relief official

    29 يونيو 2017 Citing attacks against aid workers in Syria, the removal of live-saving supplies f

  6. South Sudan, Africa's largest refugee crisis, needs urgent response – UN agency

    10 فبراير 2017 With already more than 3.5 million displaced within and outside the

  7. ‘All refugees want to go home someday’ – UNHCR spokesperson and author Melissa Fleming

    26 مايو 2017 “I envy the mountains and the trees and the rocks because they will be abl

  8. Syria: UN refugee agency spotlights growing shelter needs as thousands flee Aleppo violence

    2 ديسمبر 2016 While reiterating its extreme concern about the civilian popul

  9. Mediterranean death toll in 2016 ‘worst we have seen’ – UN refugee agency

    25 أكتوبر 2016 With just two months left in 2016, and despite a substantial drop i

  10. Près de 200 migrants morts ou disparus au large de la Libye depuis le début de l'année, selon l'OIM

    10 يناير 2018 Plus d'une semaine après le début de la nouvelle année, on dénombre déjà près de 200
