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نتائج البحث

  1. Pregnant women, children among the victims in latest Mediterranean tragedy – UNICEF

    4 نوفمبر 2016 A number of children and pregnant women were among the 240 peopl

  2. ‘All refugees want to go home someday’ – UNHCR spokesperson and author Melissa Fleming

    26 مايو 2017 “I envy the mountains and the trees and the rocks because they will be abl

  3. UN agriculture chief says Uganda 'leading example' of sustainable refugee response

    30 أغسطس 2017 The head of the United Nations agriculture agency today called for greater funding for a

  4. Human rights expert group concludes first visit to South Sudan

    16 سبتمبر 2016 Concluding its first visit to South Sudan, a United Nations-mandated

  5. Bees, hens and greenhouses help restore livelihoods in Iraq – UN agriculture agency

    20 يونيو 2017 Thousands of vulnerable Iraqi and Syrian refugee families affected by conflict in northern Iraq aim

  6. UN aid chief releases $50 million 'lifeline' in emergency funds for people in urgent need

    16 أغسطس 2016 The top United Nations relief official released today $50 million for severely

  7. South Sudan: UN expert urges action to end rights abuses in a country where 'impunity is the norm'

    14 مارس 2017 Amid a “massive” increase in gross human rights violations, as well as an esca

  8. Greece: UN agency cites struggle to provide shelter for asylum-seekers as winter arrives

    9 ديسمبر 2016 As winter closes in on Greece, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner fo

  9. UN human rights chief points to ‘textbook example of ethnic cleansing’ in Myanmar

    11 سبتمبر 2017 The United Nations human rights chief today lashed out at the treatment

  10. African migrants reportedly being sold in ‘slave markets’ in Libya, UN agency warns

    11 أبريل 2017 Hundreds of migrants along North African migrant routes are being bought and
