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  1. UN agencies, Vatican issue call to stamp out illegal fishing and ‘modern-day slavery’ on high seas

    21 نوفمبر 2016 Condemning illegal fishing and labour exploitation in the world’s oceans, the Unit

  2. Syria: As airstrikes hit Raqqa, UN sounds alarm over plight of civilians

    6 يونيو 2017 The United Nations humanitarian wing today said it is deeply concerned for the saf

  3. Syrian refugee children in Jordan show strength despite conflict – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson

    10 نوفمبر 2016 Film star Liam Neeson has said that he was impressed by the strength and spark of th

  4. PHOTO FEATURE: António Guterres – an illustrious career serving others

    11 ديسمبر 2016 Portugal's António Guterres will soon take the reigns as the UN Secretary-General, having been

  5. Security Council recommends former Prime Minister of Portugal Guterres as next UN Secretary-General

    6 أكتوبر 2016 The Security Council today formally chose the former Prime Minister of Portugal, Antóni

  6. To escape gangs and poverty, Central American children making risky journey to US – UNICEF

    23 أغسطس 2016 The flow of refugee and migrant children seeking refuge from brutal gangs and stif

  7. Méditerranée : l'UNICEF appelle les gouvernements et l'UE à protéger les enfants réfugiés et migrants

    28 فبراير 2017 Les enfants et les femmes réfugiés et migrants empruntant la route migratoire

  8. 'We cannot and will not leave anyone behind,' says UN chief on World Humanitarian Day

    19 أغسطس 2016 With a record 130 million people worldwide now dependent on huma

  9. UN Standing Police Capacity: 10 years of rapid assistance to peace operations

    31 مايو 2017 Ten years on, the United Nations Standing Police Capacity (SPC) continues to bolster peacekeepi

  10. South Sudan: Scale of refugee exodus straining capacity in neighbouring countries, warns UN

    12 أغسطس 2016 The countries hosting refugees from their crisis-gripped neighbo
