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نتائج البحث

  1. Iraq: 15,000 children flee west Mosul over past week as battle intensifies, says UNICEF

    3 مارس 2017 Some 15,000 children have over the previous week fled the western section of Iraq’s Mosul

  2. 全球移徙问题小组专家筹备系列会议:移徙问题(国际移民组织/劳工组织)

    25 يوليو 2016... 地点:纽约 Date: 20/07/2016 (All day) ...

  3. Journée mondiale de l’aide humanitaire de l’ONU

    21 يوليو 2016... Date: 19/08/2016 (All day) ...

  4. As Mediterranean death toll soars, Ban urges collective response to large refugee and migrant movements

    31 مايو 2016 At least 880 people appear to have died over the past week as their

  5. Afghanistan: UN-backed $550 million aid plan aims to reach 5.7 million people

    23 يناير 2017 A newly-launched United Nations-backed humanitarian response plan for Afghanist

  6. Strengthen preventative measures for victims of forced labour, UN expert tells United States

    19 ديسمبر 2016 Following an official visit to the United States, the United Nations Special Rapp

  7. FEATURE: With more than half of all children in danger, UN envoy highlights how to keep them safe

    3 يونيو 2016 Marta Santos Pais grew up in a happy home in Portugal.

  8. UN-supported campaign to immunize 150,000 Rohingya children against deadly diseases

    17 سبتمبر 2017 As thousands of Rohingya refugees – including many children – having fled v

  9. INTERVIEW: 'The core of the work for me is implementation of the 17 SDGs'- Peter Thomson, UN GA President

    19 أكتوبر 2016 On 13 June 2016, the United Nations General Assembly elected Peter Thomson of Fiji to s

  10. For Yemenis and migrants, protracted conflict an 'endless nightmare' – head of UN agency

    2 أكتوبر 2017 Amid worsening famine and cholera in war-torn Yemen, the head of the U
